vendredi 30 mars 2012

Onion Crumble and Veggie Collard Wraps

Collard Wraps with Cilantro and Ginger Dipping Sauce

Hello rays of sun!

Today, the sun was out, and we felt like going on the rooftop to eat lunch. Fay made an amazing dehydrated "onion bread" last night. The smell of it this morning gave us the idea to use the collards we had in the fridge and combine these with the bread, to make a delicious meal! 

Here's what' inside the wrap;

- Handful of onion bread we crumbled with our hands (recipe below)
- lettuce
- tomato, cut into sticks
- beets, sliced into juliennes
- lentil sprouts

Here are the ingredients for the Onion bread;

- 2 white onions (sweet)
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 cup ground sunflower seeds (can be sprouted and wet, that's how we did it)
- 1 cup ground golden flax seeds
- 1/4 cup Nama Shoyu

In food processor, finely chop the onions. Careful not to mash completely, and then set aside. Do the same thing with your flax seeds and sunflower seeds. Put all these ingredients and others into a bowl, and mix well. You can use your hands, I feel like you can put even more Love into it. ;)

Spread onto a dehydrator sheet with a teflex paper or parchment works as well. Set the dehydrator to 105 degrees, for the night. At least 7 hours. Depending on how thick you spread the mixture, it will take a longer time to dehydrate. 

You can either enjoy as is, using it as a bread, or make a crumble with it, as we did, to incorporate in wraps or sprinkle onto salads and soups. We thought the taste was a bit intense to use for a full sandwich, this is why we decided to incorporate it this way! 

Almost forgot about the sauce! While Fay was making the wraps, I whipped up a sauce for us to dip them in. Literally took me two minutes.

- 1 tablespoon nama shoyu
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon filtered water
- 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
- about 1/4 cup of freshly chopped cilantro

Put all of the ingredients in a small food processor, or in a blender. You can also simply mix by hand.
Serve this wonderful sauce on the side, for the wraps to be dipped in. 

This was a really fresh and at the same time filling lunch!

Love to all!

xoxo                                                                                          photos by: Fay Sckoropad

jeudi 29 mars 2012

Living Granola!

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since Fay and I wrote on our blog, we thought today would be a good idea to get back to it! Since we came back from our trip to Cali, we have been very busy.. new projects, moving and so that's the reason for the delay.

Today I want to share with all of you the recipe of my Living Granola. I put together some things I had in my pantry... spouted buckwheat, mulberries and raw cacao! SOOOO GOOD!

So here are the ingredients:

- 2 cups of raw shredded coconut
- 1 1/2 cup of date puree (dates soaked in water, then puréed in blender)
-  1/2 cup of dried mulberries (or any dried fruits)
- 1/4 cup of raw cacao
- 1 cup of sprouted sunflower seeds (may be humid)
- 1 1/2 of sprouted buckwheat (may also be humid, if you just sprouted them)
- 1/4 raw cacao nibs

Put all ingredients in a bowl, mix well. Spread onto a sheet of your dehydrator. If you do not have a dehydrator, you may eat it as well. But it will not keep for as long. If dehydrating, set it to 95 degrees for a couple of hours. About 5-6 hours. Enjoy with your favorite milk! Of course, you know us, we ate it with our freshly made almond milk! Breakfast for Champions!

On vous aime!


dimanche 4 mars 2012

Smoothie au lait d'amande et petits fruits!

Smoothie au lait d'amande et petits fruits!


- 1 1/2 t. de lait d'amande (recette plus loin dans le blog)
- 1 banane bien mûre
- 1 1/2 de petits fruits congelés (fraises, bleuets, framboises)
- 3 fraises fraîches avec ou sans feuille
- 1 pomme moyenne, épluchée et coupée en dés
- 1/4 de t. de noix de coco rapé (voir image plus bas)
- 1 cuil. à thé de lucuma en poudre 
- 1 cuil. à table de graines de chia

- une cuillière de votre granola favori! (notre recette va suivre bientôt...nous attendons seulement que notre sarrazin germe pour pouvoir le déshydrater avce nos autres fruits et noix!)
-une fraise coupée en petits dés (déposer avec le granola)

Mettre tous les ingrédients du haut dans un mélangeur, jusqu'à l'obtention d'un mélange uniforme et lisse. 

Sur le dessus de mon smoothie, j'ai déposé un peu de granola fait de sarrazin germé et déshydraté, graines de tournesol, carottes rapées, maca en poudre, noix de grenoble. Vu que ce smoothie est très 'crémeux', en y ajoutant un peu de granola et une fraise coupée, c'ets comme si on mangeait du yogourt. ;)

Lucuma: La lucuma (Pouteria lucuma) autrefois connu sous le nom "l'or des Incas" est le fruit d'un arbre à feuilles persistantes des zones tropicales d'Amérique du Sud de la famille des Sapotaceae. Cet arbre pousse principalement au Pérou à plus de 1000 m d'altitude. La lucuma a une valeur nutritive élevée. C'est une bonne source d'hydrates de carbone, de vitamines (bêta-carotène, B3), de sels minéraux (fer, calcium) et de fibres alimentaires.
Elle contient différents types de sucres : dans 100 g de chair séchée, vous aurez 8,4 g de glucose, 4,7 g de fructose, 1,7 g de saccharose et 0,06 g d'inositol.
Malgré un goût sucré prononcé, son index glycémique est faible.

(vous pouvez vous en procurez dans les épiceries santé ou chez crudessence.)


